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Flashing the ESP32

What you need

Preliminary steps

Make sure your USB cable can transmit data

USB 2 contains 4 wires: two are used for power transmission, and two for data. Some cables, especially on the cheaper end, only wire up the two power cables.
To test your cable, you can try to plug in something that can trasmit data to your computer with that cable. An older phone, another microcontroller, a printer, whatever you might have.

The LED on the ESP32 lighting up does not mean the cable can tramsit data. All cables will be wired for power, thus the LED will always turn on, even with a bad cable

Install the required Arduino libraries

The library versions are susceptible to change if you read this page late after it was last updated

Via the taskbar on the left, click on the Boards Manager. Search for "ESP32", and install the esp32 library by Espressif Systems


In the Library Manager tab, under the Boards Manager, search for "SimpleFOC". Install both the Simple FOC and SimpleFOCDrivers libraries, by Simplefoc.


As of January 1st 2024, you must use specific versions of said libraries:
Simple FOC 2.3.0
SimpleFOCDrivers 1.0.4

Once installed do not update them


Flashing the firmware