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Ayva Remote

A web service that allows anyone in the world to control your device.

Ayva Stroker Lite

An advanced web based random stroker.

Ayva WebSocket Hub

A desktop application that allows streaming TCode from the web to multiple outputs, including Virt-A-Mate.


Ayva is a lightweight, behavior-based JavaScript library for controlling Open Source Multi Axis Stroker Robots such as the OSR2...

AyvaScript Library

Library of reusable AyvaScripts that can be imported and played in software such as Ayva Stroker Lite.

Beginner's Handbook

Never heard of Open Source Strokers and have no idea what's going on? This is the book for you!

Brushless Motors


A Virt-A-Mate plugin that converts TCode from various sources into animation on a selected target in the scene.

Communication Protocols

Information about the types of messages that can be passed to and from stroker devices.


Funscript Playback


This book contains brief explanations of common terms and/or jargon used within the OSR Community.

OSR 3D Printing Essentials

A concise guide to the basics of 3D printing for the OSR. It covers filaments, settings, and tips to achieve ideal prints. Perf...

OSR Wiki

Information about this Wiki such as guidelines for contributing and how to support it.


OSR2 Mods

Receivers & Cases

This book contains alternatives to the traditional Fleshlight case such as adapters that allow using other toys.
